
The city of Agadir is full of treasures. Unfortunately, few people even the inhabitants discover them as they are not interpreted. Mrs Hélène Tassain-Périé, a teacher at the Agadir French High School and heritage specialist, has decided to address this challenge by using the skills of the new generation of inhabitants: the students. And they have carried out perfectly the mission.

Since 2012, volunteer students from Agadir French High School under the guidance of Mrs. TASSAIN-PERIE have prepared interpretations of the main sites and monuments of Agadir city in both French and English. This was done in partnership with the Regional Council of Tourism in Agadir.

Afterwards, they have prepared QR codes for each site so that they are displayed on the monuments so that visitors can have a brief interpretation of the monument in French or English.

In parallel, they have developed content about Agadir important heritage : its modernist architecture. They also explained Moroccan culture, made some explanatory videos and developed ideas of sighseeing routes for visitors. All of this content has been posted on this site.

They also used augmented reality for the interpretation of two monuments via mobile image recognition technology. The Aurasma software was used to superimposed videos, texts or images to a real image. So, if you download Aurasma for free on your smartphone or tablet, follow the account « Agadir » and scan the wall of remembrance or Kasbah Agadir Oufella, you will discover what the students have achieved.

Thanks to this educational project, the city now has fun, innovative tools to showcase its heritage.

For students, this gave them the opportunity to put forward their identity, to discover new perspectives of their heritage.

The presentation of the project is available here.