The Central Post Office

The Central Post Office

The Central Post Office (© Michel Terrier)

The post office of Agadir city is located on Prince MoulayAbdellah Avenue. This monument was built shortly after the earthquake of February 1960 during which Agadir was destroyed. This main post office was created by a very famous architect Jean-François Zevaco who was chosen by the High Commission for the rebuilding of Agadir.

This central post office, just like other buildings built after the earthquake, are considered a symbol of the modern side of Morocco. The main features of this architecture is simplicity and modernity. Zevaco has combined Moroccan culture to modern art, alternating shapes, sections of massive walls with sharp angles to section off lighter walls where light poses with a tricky game light giving a charm to the building.

Inside the post office, there is a large space with special tiles on the floor and some furniture made of cedar wood.

Recently, a renovation project was launched but it was stopped by the supporters of heritage preservation as it would have changed the building.

bureau de poste, 1963        bureau de poste, 1963 plan de l'étage Capture d’écran 2015-05-04 à 16.58.41     poste