Argan Biosphere Reseve

Capture d’écran 2015-05-19 à 16.46.04

One of the natural gems of the southwest of Morocco is the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve (RBA). This region which covers about 2.5 million hectares protects a unique world heritage, the argan tree also known as “Arganiaspinosa”.

Thus, it is considered a cultural site and a natural heritage with a great impact on the economy and tourism. The argan tree is used to makeargan oil, medicines and is also used as firewood without forgetting its important role in the fight against desertification. This reserve was recognized by the UNESCO in 1998 as a Biosphere Reserve.

Capture d’écran 2015-05-19 à 16.45.49Among the threats that faces this forest, there are the expansion of agricultural lands, the climate or also its over-use as a heating wood… But, the UNESCO has implemented measures for the conservation and monitoring of theargantree and to guarantee at the same time a sustainable economic development using its resources.